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How To "Make" Your Sales Copy Do All The Selling For You!

If you want to make your sales copy do all the selling foryou, here's a quickie mistake you'll have to eliminate....
See, making your sales copy do all the selling for you will dramatically boost your response and your sales, if....
There's a very simple error that clogs up your sales copy....
distances your prospects from your products....
- the WritersSoftware team

How To "Make" Your Sales Copy Do All The Selling For You!

If you want to make your sales copy do all the selling foryou, here's a quickie mistake you'll have to eliminate.

See, making your sales copy do all the selling for you will dramatically boost your response and your sales, if... you do it right.

There's a very simple error that clogs up your sales copy...

distances your prospects from your products... and prevents you from having that "greased slide" effect you're after with your writing.

I see it all the time when I'm doing sales copy reviews.

Many times you'll write something like this:

"This system will take you by the hand and guide you along the way, step-by-step." Whenever you see stuff like this, just chop out all the "wills", and change your copy so it reads more like this:

"This system takes you by the hand, guiding you along the way, step-by-step." Doesn't that sound smoother?

And isn't it more "appealing" to you?

Want to know why?

Because the first sentence is "active".

Something that "will" do something for you, implies you have to work at it, or at least work "with" it.

The second sentence is "passive".

Meaning, you feel like the product is doing all the work for you -- it's almost effortless.

The product "takes you by the hand" implies a LOT less work on your part, which... is what all your prospects want -- to work less.

In fact, an entire business was built on the strength of this concept.

BMG music, at the time a monthly record (LP's -- remember those) club, was running an ad that said "put music in your life".

The ad was accidentally changed to read "puts music in your life".

Sales took off and the rest is history.

So where can you take advantage of this opportunity in your sales copy?

Let me know.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Check out all the prior archives you've been missing, right here at:

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About the Author: 

Craig Garber is America's Top Direct-Response Copywriter. Uncover hundreds of FREE controversial direct-response copywriting and marketing tips that dramatically boost your sales and your response rates, right here:

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