Writing Resources

We have collected writing resources such as articles and information products from the Internet and members' contributions.  The resources are arranged in the following categories of writing:
Writing Books Writing eBooks Writing Articles
Marketing Your Writings Copywriting Writing Tips
Writing Screenplays Your Writings

Selected Articles & Stories....

3 Copywriting Tips - How To Edit For Mass Appeal! - Daniel Levis  Web copy that's intended to sell or generate leads needs to quickly reach out and grab attention and build rapport with a target audience.  You can connect with your audience more effectively if you understand something about how people process information, and how they think.
Is Your Book Selling Well? - Penny C. Sansevieri  If your campaign isn't doing so well there might be a million reasons why.  Everything from the book cover to the timing of the book release could affect sales.  But there are a few other components that could affect sales and actually cause a campaign to fail that has the potential of being successful.
How To Think Through Writer's Block - Sophfronia Scott  In his book, On Writing, Stephen King says, "We are talking about tools and carpentry, about words and style…but as we move along, you’d do well to remember that we are also talking about magic.  " When something is really well-written we tend to think it was effortless for the writer, that it seems magical.
Proposal Writing Strategies - DJ Nelson  There are two main reasons to write a business proposal.  Either someone has invited you to submit a RFP (Request for Proposal); or you are trying to gain support or funding from your employer or another organization.
How Can You Find Freelance Work As A Writer? - Niall Cinneide  For those looking at the jobs listings for writers, they may find themselves feeling left out.  There are simply not enough employment options available.  When you are looking at the jobs listings, you may become frustrated and annoyed with the lack of the type of employment that you want.
Overcoming Writer’s Block: Avoiding the Trap - Stephen L. Nelson, CPA  I may as well just say it.  Writer’s block, I’m convinced, doesn’t exist.  Mostly, I think, authors use writer’s block as an excuse to explain to themselves, an editor, or a concerned spouse why the book isn’t done or the chapter hasn’t been turned in.
Your Writers Voice is Inside You - Harriet Silkwood  You literally must pour yourself into your writing.  That isn't as much a cliche as you may have thought.  Why do you write?  I write to change my world by revising it and giving it a happy ending.
What Makes Fiction Special - Rebecca Guevara  What Makes Fiction SpecialI was in a brisk discussion about whether a woman ‘would’ or ‘would not’ leave her wayward husband when a man interrupted and said, “But he’s not real!  It’s fiction!
Framing Your Story: Writing Tips for Online Marketing - Sarah Benoit  The Art Of Self Promotion One of the keys to small business success is the ability to develop, write, edit and design your own marketing material.  In order to accomplish this goal a small business owner must learn the essential art of self-promotion.
Seven Ways to Select a Book Topic That Sells - Judy Cullins  Since a book title is the number one "Essential Hot-Selling Point" for your book, it's a good idea to choose one that sells well.  1.  Write what you are passionate about.  Write about a topic that will still interest you in two years.
Secret Tricks For Making Your Writing Sound More Compelling - Linda Correli  Online learning becomes more accepted, that’s why it is getting harder to identify, which online educational establishments require students to finish legitimate coursework, and, which are diploma mills.
Two Styles of Mystery Writing: Cozy and Hard-boiled - Mary Arnold  Cozy novels do not have graphic violence, and little or no sexual content and abusive language.  Society is "viewed as orderly and controlled, and the crime is a failure of the society to function correctly" (Niebuhr 7).
The ONLY Thing You Need to Know About Writing Articles - Robert Plank  You don't need to be a great writer to write great articles, just be fast and entertaining.  There is only ONE SINGLE THING you need to know about article writing.  Tell a story.  Stories are easy to follow and interesting.
Article Writing: 10 Reasons Why The Discipline Is Necessary For Any Internet Marketer - Mary Murtha  The hardest part about writing, is getting one’s self to actually start writing.  Most writers usually hate to write but love it when they have finished writing.  To be able to escape this process, what some writers do is procrastinate.
My Favorite Errors to Correct (Don’t make these mistakes, and your writing will rise above most other writing.) Part 2 - Lisa J. Lehr  Negotiables:  These are rules that the experts largely agree can be broken to good effect.  In formal writing (such as a doctoral dissertation), the strict rules would still apply.  But in informal writing, such as writing an autobiography, looser rules are acceptable.

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