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Here are some of the latest contributions to Your Writings - Stories, Essays, Poetry, and Potpourri....

Existentialism - Sharon White  Existentialists believe that existence precedes essence. This premise not only applies how to humans define themselves, but also to the philosophy its...
The UK Constitution - Sharon White  The unwritten sources of the UK constitution are the royal prerogative and conventions. The royal prerogative stems from the powers which used to be e...
Feminism And Social Capital - Sharon White  Social capital is also heavily influenced by gender, and this too has implications as women are more likely to be promoted to levels where women are a...
Kafka And His Characters - Sharon White  In 'The Metamorphosis', the author uses the way individuals transport themselves in order to reveal their personality. In particular four characters a...
Architecture Of Chicago - Sharon White  Two architectural practices, the balloon frame and Chicago School of Architecture, made Chicago the world's first vertical city. Builders using the ba...
Feminism By Bourdieu - Sharon White  Many feminists have sought to 'appropriate' Bourdieu's theories to explain the subordinate position of women in contemporary western societies; there ...
Sequel Of Life - Barbara J. Dalton  Love, a thoughtless thoroughfare without vigor or spirit.... I read no signs of emotion in faces that bare no expression.... Hopelessness becomes my constant companion....
History Of US Trademark - Sharon White  Consumers in the 19 century had more face—to--face interaction with the manufacturer of the product they were purchasing.  However, as 20 century...
Wordsworth's "Ode on Intimations of Immortality" - Samir K. Dash  In a letter written in 1814, Wordsworth referring to " Intimation to Immortality' ode wrote the following to clear his stand on the poem:  The poem rests entirely upon two recollections of childhood, one that of a splendure in the objects of sense which is passed away and the other an indisposition to bend to the law of death […][(Quoted in) Durant]In a later comment, Wordswoth states that for a child, the world seems more vivid and has a strange charm, which an adult is unable to view.
Critique The Poem Not The Poet - Rose DesRochers  The act of writing poetry is something that is very personal to us poets and sharing it for the first time can be a very frightening experience.  The first experience of having your work criticized can boggle our mind and set us back a step in our writing.
Quick Strategies For Writing Your Essay Under Pressure - Linda Correli  Hidden pitfalls are on watch for your paper success in every paragraph of the essay you write.  They are notorious misprints, insidious misspellings and numerous stylistic, syntax and format errors.
Honest Reviews are Critical - Harriet Silkwood  All serious writers find it necessary to have someone read their draft and offer useful comments.  Each honest, critical reviewer has a hand in helping a writer turn his draft into a piece of literary excellence.
You Don't Have To Be A Genius To Write A Love Poem - Marguerite Bonneville  Love poems are a wonderfully romantic gesture and can often express your thoughts far more eloquently than verbal communication.  If you have some talent with words, why not take a few moments and try your hand at writing a poem for your lover?
I Wonder Why Dictionaries Went Out Of Fashion - Elaine Currie, BA (Hons)  More Tips For New Writers (Part IV)When you begin writing for your home based business, never lose sight of the following facts:  People notice things (sometimes even the most minute detail) People remember things (sometimes even the most minute detail) People love to point out mistakes (sometimes even the most minute detail) People will magnify minute details.
John Wayne - Tom Strayhorn  You remember John Wayne right?  It’s okay we won’t tell anyone you’re old enough to remember.  John Wayne is fondly remembered for his terrific cowboy pictures and his many wild west movies.

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