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How To Re-Set Spellchecker to Recheck Document

After you have written a text and run spellcheck, you might find it necessary to go back and revise the document....
Block highlight the ENTIRE text (that is, click at the very beginning of the document, before the first word on the first page, and drag to the bottom of the text; or click the cursor before the first word on the first page, and then hold down the Shift key and click behind the last word on the last page)....
Go to Tools, Language, Set Language, U....
Then click at the beginning of the document to remove the highlighting....
- the WritersSoftware team

How To Re-Set Spellchecker to Recheck Document

After you have written a text and run spellcheck, you might find it necessary to go back and revise the document. You might also have found that you have been running spellcheck, your brain has gotten a little numb, and you can't remember if you actually fixed the last error or just "Ignore" automatically. You'll need to re-set your spellchecker so that it will recheck the entire document, not just new text that is added. Here’s an easy way to re-run spellcheck:

Block highlight the ENTIRE text (that is, click at the very beginning of the document, before the first word on the first page, and drag to the bottom of the text; or click the cursor before the first word on the first page, and then hold down the Shift key and click behind the last word on the last page).

Go to Tools, Language, Set Language, U.S. English (or other language being used), OK.

Then click at the beginning of the document to remove the highlighting.

The spellchecker has now been re-set. You can run it again, and the entire document will be spellchecked.

You can also do this just for sections of text, by block-highlighting the section you want to re-spellcheck.

You can also recheck your spelling using this alternative method:

With your document open, click Tools, Options, Spelling & Grammar. At the bottom of the window under “Proofing Tools” is a button for “Recheck Document.” Click on the button. When you do, you will get the following window:

This operation resets spell checker and grammar checker. Do you want to continue?

Click Yes. Then, re-run spellcheck on your document.

It is easy to re-check a document that has already been spellchecked. Please be sure to remember to run a final spellcheck when you are completely finished with your document!

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About the Author: 

Jan K., The Proofer is freelance proofreader and copyeditor. Visit for more information. Visit Jan K., the Proofer’s sister sites: Mom’s Break at for free printable projects and crafts. Jan’s Dough at for free printable recipes for Sourdough Bread and more. For more articles by Jan K., The Proofer, visit Article © Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.

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