Don’t you hate rejection slips? If they make you despondent,then here’s a way to deal with them: sock ‘em in the eye!
But first, you need to realise that the editor or publisher
who had the gall to send you this offensive missive is not
a vindictive, short-sighted, ignorant meanie, she’s most
likely a hard working, underpaid and possibly over
stretched individual who might just have a reason for
sending your baby back.
So, if rejection slips bring on an attack of the grumps,
also realise that this is just a state of mind, a perfectly
natural one, but one which you personally can quickly and
easily turn back into a success story. How? Sock those
rejections in the eye.
“How do I do that, Merv.?” I hear you say above the sound
of wringing of hands.
Simple. What you have to do is show your inner man or woman
that you are not beaten, you are a writer and you will
continue to write. Rejection means not a sausage to you
and you are going to prove it.
Sit down there and then, before the postman has even vacated
the front path, take out your notebook and write 100 words
on why goldfish have short memories, or why mountains are
high, or any other inconsequential subject. Don't spend any
time thinking up a subject, just write anything. And 100
words will do, OK? We don't want to serialise it.
What you are doing is telling your inner person that if it
wants to make you miserable you’re gonna sock it to him
and write something anyway. So there!
You’ll feel all the better for it afterwards, and it won’t
be long before you can take rejection slips with a pinch
of salt. I.e. philosophically. Which is the best way.
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