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Click on the code and use Ctrl-A Ctrl-C to copy.

The above code will display this text link:
Writers Software
WritersSoftware.com has articles, software, directories, and other tools and resources for various kinds of writing, including books, ebooks, class papers, stories, screenplays, and poems.
Copy the html code below into the page where you want to display the text link shown below.
Click on the code and use Ctrl-A Ctrl-C to copy.

The above code will display this text link:
Writing Software
WritersSoftware.com has articles, software, directories, and other tools and resources for various kinds of writing, including books, ebooks, class papers, stories, screenplays, and poems.
Copy the html code below into the page where you want to display the text link shown below.
Click on the code and use Ctrl-A Ctrl-C to copy.

The above code will display this text link:
Writing Resources
WritersSoftware.com has articles, software, directories, and other tools and resources for various kinds of writing, including books, ebooks, class papers, stories, screenplays, and poems.
Copy the html code below into the page where you want to display the text link shown below.
Click on the code and use Ctrl-A Ctrl-C to copy.

The above code will display this text link:
Writing Software and Resources
WritersSoftware.com has articles, software, directories, and other tools and resources for various kinds of writing, including books, ebooks, class papers, stories, screenplays, and poems.
Copy the html code below into the page where you want to display the text link shown below.
Click on the code and use Ctrl-A Ctrl-C to copy.

The above code will display this text link:
WritersSoftware.com offers writing tools and resources, including software, articles, and directories to aid in writing books, ebooks, class papers, stories, and poems.
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